domingo, 6 de setembro de 2009

Treating images for power point templates

How to make the image you are going to use match your chosen template?
It´s simple!!! Leave the image background transparent using Corel photo paint and exporting with Fireworks, using the extention .png32

5 comentários:

  1. Oí, Inês.

    Your tip about working with images in PowerPoint presentations is a good one. Here's another: be sure you compress (reduce the size) of your images: graphics and photos can be enormous!

    Congratulations on your new blog, by the way! I like the color scheme and layout, and I also like the gadgets that you've added.


    Dennis in Phoenix

  2. Dear Inês,

    Great to see you already giving tips and blogging away. So, is this a space where you intend to give tech tips? By the way, besides the tip Dennis gave, try, a wonderful online image editor that I became a fan of.

    Enjoy and congrats!

  3. Hi Ines,
    Thanks for the tip. I have to confess that I don't even know the applications you mentioned. I was sooo happy I could add a picture never crossed my mind the idea off manipulating it to match! How lavish! I'll try it out, thanks!

  4. Olá, Inês, eu assisti ao seu workshop sobre powerpoint no Braztesol e gostei muito. Lá vcs deram um cartão com o nome de um blog, mas eu perdi. Qual era mesmo o endereço? Aguardo contato.
    Grata desde já,
    Ana Paula Turbay
